Attempted Hit and Run

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Attempted Hit and Run

Narcissistic Abuse
Published by Author in Information · 8 October 2023
Tags: Warning
On the 4 October 2023 on my bicycle ride home a vehicle did very close pass striking my handlebars which very nearly knocked me off my bicycle, it was only by some miracle I managed to stay upright and wasn't hurt or killed. It was quite possibly deliberate with the following reasoning given below:

  1. On Monday the 2 October 2023 two youths accosted me on the way home and said they needed an air pump to inflate a flat tyre. The tyre was not flat at all just a bit soft but they seemed more interested in my bicycle and any cameras I had on the bicycle.
  2. On Wednesday the 4 October 2023 a vehicle did very close pass from the rear hitting my handlebars nearly knocking me off my bicycle, the vehicle did not stop. The location may have been chosen as it was a long downhill so I was travelling quite fast.
  3. On Thursday evening the 5 October 2023 a vehicle came up behind me at traffic lights and when we both moved away the driver of the vehicle behind me shone a green laser at me. This could possibly be trying to establish if I had a rear facing camera.
  4. On 14 November 2018 I was hit from the rear by a vehicle while travelling to work, the vehicle actually had to swerve onto the wrong side of the road in order to hit me.
  5. A number of years ago my neighbour's ex-wife was killed in a hit and run when the motorcycle she was riding pillion on was hit by a vehicle from the rear.

This could be construed as the following, Monday to survey the bicycle for cameras then Wednesday was the attempted hit and run with Thursday's laser event being caused by the realisation that maybe the bicycle had a rear facing camera fitted.

It is quite possible that hitting people from the rear while they are riding on vulnerable vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles is the modus operandi for psychopaths and narcissists. This enables them to try and make such a murder as an accident if they are caught and it fits in with their cowardly, fear driven existence.

The moral to the above is to record and journal everything which seems strange, go with your gut feeling or intuition. If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle it is recommended you use a camera front and back or even a 360 camera for all round recording with decent sound recording. Also let people you trust know of your suspicions and of the various strange events so if something does happen to you it may just prompt them to take action on your suspicions and report them to someone who can investigate further. However, do not live in fear! Everything comes with consequences attached, what goes around comes around and evil has a way of self destructing in the end. Do not use evil against evil just keep true to yourself and keep your integrity and morals intact.

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