Mobbing - Narcissistic Abuse

A source of information for the individuals targeted for abuse, harassment and mobbing in the community and workplace.
To help the abused targets journey into the light from the darkness that is narcissistic abuse and mobbing.
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Mobbing is a terrible experience and is so bad it could only be contemplated by a particularly toxic individual who has no regard for normal codes of behaviour which points to the instigator being either a psychopath, sociopath, malignant narcissist or a person with borderline personality disorder. In other words someone with one, some or all of the traits of a cluster B personality disorder.

This page addresses mobbing, who uses it, who does it, mobbing techniques and preferred outcome.

Pawn Mob



If you think about commit suicide it may be you think you are useless and you are a burden to your family and friends and by killing yourself you are doing everyone a favour. This could not be further from the truth! Yes, the mob will be entertained but the people who truly love and care for you will be totally devastated.

Do not hurt the people that matter which is you and all your loved ones, the world is a beautiful place, full of flawed people, but beautiful nevertheless!

It is made more beautiful if you remain in it and aspire to improve your life and contribute to those around you, the mob can never do this.
Mobbing seems to be becoming very poplular with teenagers as they find it more effective than schoolyard bullying. There is less chance of getting caught and you can actually kill someone and possibly get away with it thanks to the popularity of "social" media, although social is probably a misnomer. Social media has become an effective tool for abusers to groom children, for children to kill other children and for all sorts of other bullying and abusive behaviours.

Social media providers need to start taking responsibilty for their sites as at the moment their checks and controls are seriously lacking.

Taken from the old Bully Online website ( created by the late Tim Field.

What is mobbing?

The word bullying is used to describe a repeated pattern of negative intrusive violational behaviour against one or more targets and comprises constant trivial nit-picking criticism, refusal to value and acknowledge, undermining, discrediting and a host of other behaviours which are defined in the paragraph What is bullying?

Bullying is typically perpetrated by one person although others in a workplace may join in, for example by operating legitimate procedures in an inappropriate manner, at the behest of the bully, having an adverse effect on the target. "Bullying" is still an appropriate term to describe what is done to the target.

"Mobbing" involves a group of people whose size is constrained by the social setting in which it is formed, such as a workplace. It might seem to the target as if many people are involved but in reality the group might be small. The group members directly interact with a target in an adversarial way that undermines or harms them in measurable, definable ways.

The word mobbing is preferred to bullying in continental Europe and in those situations where a target is selected and bullied (mobbed) by a group of people rather than by one individual. However, every group has a ringleader. If this ringleader is an extrovert it will be obvious who is coercing group members into mobbing the selected target. If the ringleader is an introvert type, he or she is likely to be in the background coercing and manipulating group members into mobbing the selected target; introvert ringleaders are much more dangerous than extrovert ringleaders.

In a mobbing situation, the ringleader incites supporters, cohorts, copycats and unenlightened, inexperienced, immature or emotionally needy individuals with poor values to engage in adversarial interaction with the selected target. The ringleader, or chief bully, gains gratification from encouraging others to engage in adversarial interaction with the target. Many people use the word "mobbing" to describe this pack attack by many on one individual. Once mobbing is underway the chief bully foments the mobbing into mutually assured destruction, from which the chief bully gains intense gratification - this is a feature of people with psychopathic personality.

One aspect of psychopathic bullies is that they home in on Wannabe types - non-psychopathic lesser bullies - and then empower these individuals to gain the positions of power and authority they crave. Once installed, the Wannabe's lack of competence makes them dependent on the chief psychopath, which means they become unwitting but willing compliant puppets. They also make perfect corporate clones and drones. A characteristic of the Wannabe is that as well as lacking all the competencies necessary for their position, they also lack the intellect to understand the nature and manner of their compliant subservience.

Throughout the mobbing experience, the target is deceived into fighting, blaming and trying to hold accountable the minor bullies of the mobbing group rather than the chief bully. The main reason a psychopathic chief bully gets away with his (or her) behaviour repeatedly is that no-one wants to believe that s/he could be the monster s/he is. This is also the reason that many pedophiles and wife-batterers evade accountability and sanction for years, often decades. They appear so charming and plausible to naive, unenlightened and inexperienced people - usually those who haven't experienced bullying themselves. Psychopathic chief bullies are very likely to have everyone in human resources and management in their pocket, who are then manipulated into further mobbing, victimising and persecuting the target.

The golden rule when tackling a mobbing situation is, I believe, to identify and focus exclusively on the chief bully, and concentrate on holding this ringleader accountable. Expect an immediate increase in mobbing activities, and a rapidly-expanding web of deceit to be concocted against you. Alternatively, the best solution may be to make a positive decision to leave and refuse to allow these people to continue to ruin your career, your health and your life. In the unlikely event that the psychopathic chief leader is exposed and then leaves, the dysfunction, aggression and negative feelings fostered by him or her are likely to linger for years.

Tim Field
An investigation and report on workplace bullying can be viewed using the link below on the Agency Centralwebsite.

Does the UK have a workplace bullying problem? A resounding Yes!

Paragraph from Agency Central's workplace bullying page.

So, does the UK have a workplace bullying problem?

While it's difficult to accurately quantify it, workplace bullying appears to be having a larger impact on the UK labour force than some of us might have realised. Bullying at work is costing the economy £18 billion a year and more than a quarter of workers have been subjected to bullying at one time or another. This latter figure is especially staggering when you try to apply it to your own office. It's important, therefore, that employers, HR professionals and the other powers that be, have strategies in place to ensure that the wellbeing of staff is protected.

It'll be nigh on impossible to completely eradicate workplace bullying, but awareness coupled with well thought out strategies, can help reduce the commonality of the problem and the impact that it has on businesses.
Paragraphs from Emotional Recovery from Workplace Mobbing (And Workbook): Practical Help for Recovering Targets by Richard Schwindt

In his WAMI (Waterloo and Mobbing Index) University of Waterloo Sociology Professor Kenneth Westhues adds:

“No two cases are alike, but mobbing typically proceeds from subtle, informal techniques of humiliation and exclusion to overt and formal measures.”

Five stages are commonly distinguished:

  1. Avoidance and ostracization of the target.
  2. Petty harassment: making the target’s life difficult.
  3. A critical incident that triggers formal sanctions: “something has to be done”.
  4. Aftermath of the incident: hearings, appeals, mediation.
  5. Elimination: target quits, retires, is fired, becomes disabled, dies of stress related illness, or commits suicide.
Definition of bullying:

" Bullying is conduct that cannot be objectively justified by a reasonable code of conduct, and whose likely or actual cumulative effect is to threaten, undermine, constrain, humiliate or harm another person or their property, reputation, self-esteem, self-confidence or ability to perform. " Tim Field Foundation 2015
This page provides very concise details of a mobbing campaign with concise details of possible ways to deal with it. It should be noted that gang-stalking is another name for mobbing which is used to try and discredit the mobbing target, it is used to try and make the target look delusional and paranoid through the use of intimidation, psychopathic setups and street theatre.

Five stages of mobbing:

  1. Avoidance and ostracization of the target.
  2. Petty harassment: making the target’s life difficult.
  3. A critical incident that triggers formal sanctions: “something has to be done”.
  4. Aftermath of the incident: hearings, appeals, mediation.
  5. Elimination: target quits, retires, is fired, becomes disabled, dies of stress related illness, or commits suicide

Why is mobbing initiated against an individual?
It is normally organised by a particularly individual for all sorts of reasons which may include but is not limited to:

  • Power
  • Personal gain
  • Jealousy
  • Envy
  • Perceived grudge
  • Control
  • Constructive dismissal

What kind of people use mobbing?
It is the tool of choice commonly used to the following personality types:

  • Psychopaths
  • Narcissists
  • Sociopaths
  • Borderline Personalities
  • Wannabe toxic types

Who takes part in mobbing?
Just about anyone can be involved in mobbing including:

  • Work colleagues
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Neighbourhood Watch
  • Neighbours
  • School children. They seem particularly keen to take part in mobbing probably because they are easy to manipulate.
  • Local community
  • Council workers
  • Members of the police

The fact that the backround of the mob members is so varied makes it difficult to prove and deal with.

How is mobbing organised?
It is organised using the following methods on social media, in the community and in the workplace:

  • Smear campaigns
  • Gossip
  • Lies
  • General backstabbing
  • Psychopathic setups

What techniques are used by mobbing?
The following techniques are used during a mobbing campaign.

  • Stalking
  • Vandalism
  • Intimidation
  • Eavesdropping
  • Provocation
  • Harassment
  • Killing of pets
  • Setups
  • Undermining
  • Character assassination

What is the aim of mobbing?
The aim of mobbing is the eventual elimination of the targeted individual by suicide, it is murder by a thousand cuts and anyone involved in mobbing knows this, the people in the mob are wannabe murderers. Please be very clear on this, do not think of it in any other way, this is very important!

Dealing with a mobbing campaign is difficult and a target will feel that no one is on their side which in the workplace is probably true. The dynamics in the community and the workplace are similar but not quite the same.

  • The mob is mostly controlled by the use of lies, gossip and inuendo.
  • The management may be aware but do not care or may be actively involved. Mobbing is often used as a form of constructive dismissal.
  • Most work colleagues are involved in the mobbing to some degree even if it is only to try and protect their own interests.
  • Everyone knows what is going on. A strong clue is when people up and leave unexpectedly or new joiners do not stay too long!

The target has to be very careful who they trust, they cannot trust anybody at work. All the target can do is document everything, use a journal but keep all records in a safe place preferably not at work. BEWARE OF FRENEMIES. Do not let anyone rile you at work as any demonstration of temper or anger at work will be used against the target.  DO NOT FORGET THAT WORK COLLEAGUES ARE TRYING TO ELIMINATE THE TARGET AND IF POSSIBLE PUSH THE TARGET INTO COMMITING SUICIDE. This should demonstrate to the target how serious the situation is and the character of the people they are working with.


  • The mob is mostly controlled using social media and local gossip.
  • The neighbourhood watch and other community groups may be used to promote the mobbing effort.
  • Some people are involved in the mobbing.
  • A lot of people are not involved in the mobbing but are aware that it is going on.
  • A lot of people are not involved in the mobbing but are unaware that it is going on.

The target has to be very careful who they trust in the community, the police and other organisations are often less than helpful and can often make matters worse, a lot worse! People's actions are much more important than what they say, who they socialise with is important as well as how susceptible to gossip they are including listening to gossip and spreading gossip.


Members of the mob will befriend the target to glean information for use in setups, malicious acts and street theatre. These people are the worst of all because they want you to trust them and if you fall for their act they will let you down and attack you in a heartbeat. That is why you must take great care choosing your friends.
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